terça-feira, 9 de abril de 2019


Em 2018, a Terrorizer voltou para escrever mais um capítulo na sua história, dessa vez com "Caustic Attack", o quarto álbum. Os membros que compõem "Caustic Attack" não são os mesmos do álbum anterior "Hordes of Zombies" e isso torna este registro atraente, já que tem sangue novo e além do mais, o cérebro e o comando é o mesmo de sempre e se trata do monstro e lenda viva da bateria Pete Sandoval. A Terrorizer que é um trio agora, soa brutal, destruidora e matadora neste ataque cáustico composto por catorze faixas de guerrilha deathgrind infernal com destaque para "Turbulence", "Conflict And Despair", "Devastate", "Crisis", "Infiltration" (com influências hardcore/punk), "The Downtrodden" (ótimas guitarras pesadas), "Sharp Knives" (bons pedais duplos), "Failed Assassin" (essa faixa é o encontro da Terrorizer com Marduk), "Caustic Attack" (pancadaria com um solo rápido de bateria) e "Wasteland". A capa feita por Timbul Cahyono simboliza perfeitamente a ideia do álbum. Eu gostei pra caralho, muito bom! Terrorizer: Pete Sandoval (bateria), Sam Molina (ex-Monstrosity - baixo e vocal) e Lee Harrison (Monstrosity - guitarra). 
In 2018, Terrorizer returned to write another chapter in its history, this time with "Caustic Attack", the fourth album. The members that make up "Caustic Attack" are not the same ones that recorded the previous album "Hordes of Zombies" and this makes this record attractive, since it has new blood and besides, the brain and the command is the same as always and this is the monster and living legend of the drums Pete Sandoval. Terrorizer, which is a trio now, sounds brutal, destructive and killer in this caustic attack consisting of fourteen tracks of infernal deathgrind guerrilla with prominence for "Turbulence", "Conflict And Despair", "Devastate", "Crisis", "Infiltration" (with hardcore/punk influences), "The Downtrodden" (great heavy guitars), "Sharp Knives" (good double pedals), "Failed Assassin" (this track is the encounter of Terrorizer with Marduk), "Caustic Attack" (fast track with a fast drum solo) and "Wasteland". The cover art done by Timbul Cahyono perfectly symbolizes the idea of the album. I fucking like it, very good! Terrorizer: Pete Sandoval (drums), Sam Molina (ex-Monstrosity - bass and vocals) and Lee Harrison (Monstrosity - guitars).

Grindcore / Death Metal - Tampa - Florida - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Metal Archives

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