sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2020


In 2018, I watched a Phobia show in Apple Valley (California) and it was a very noisy, destructive performance with great emphasis on the drummer who had very good and fast beats. In 2019, Phobia released the EP Generation Coward consisting of thirteen tracks that span 15 minutes of grindcore. The title of the EP, as well as the cover, shows us the type of content/theme throughout this record and the following tracks simplify this idea such as "Imbecile", "Internet Tough Guy", "PC Fascist Fuck Off" and "Aspiration Lost". Good.

Em 2018, eu assisti um show da Phobia em Apple Valley (Califórnia) e foi bem animal, destruidor e com grande destaque para o baterista que tinha uma pegada monstra. Em 2019, a Phobia lançou o seu EP Generation Coward composto por treze faixas que giram em quinze minutos de grindcore. O título do EP, assim como a capa, nos mostra o conteúdo inserido neste registro e as seguintes faixas simplificam bem essa ideia como "Imbecile", "Internet Tough Guy", "PC Fascist Fuck Off" e "Aspiration Lost". Bom.

Grindcore - Orange County - California - U.S.A. / E.U.A.
Official Site
Metal Archives

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