segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2018
sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2018
sexta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2018
quarta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2018
sábado, 22 de dezembro de 2018
sexta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2018
quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2018
quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2018
terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2018
segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2018
domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2018
A Terminal Conquest é mais uma banda massa que conheci e tenho escutado muito em 2018. A banda é composta por membros da Vastation, Genogeist, Death Fetishist e Oppressive Descent e eles tocam um pesado crust/thrash metal com vocais femininos, na qual vai agradar bastante os amantes de Sacrilege e After The Bombs, por exemplo. Embora isso foi lançado em 2017, essa demo foi uma das melhores coisas que eu escutei em 2018 (foda-se! eu não me importo com a data original de lançamento, já que o importante é divulgar o que é massa). Muito bom!
Terminal Conquest is another good new band and I have heard a lot of their music in 2018. The band consists of members of Vastation, Genogeist, Death Fetishist and Oppressive Descent and they play a heavy crust/thrash metal with female vocals, which will please Sacrilege and After The Bombs fans, for example. Although this was released in 2017, this demo was one of the best records I heard in 2018 (fuck it! I don't care about the original release date, since the important thing is to spread what is good, whether in Portuguese or English languages). Very good!
Crust / Thrash Metal / Stenchcore - Portland - Oregon - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Terminal Conquest is another good new band and I have heard a lot of their music in 2018. The band consists of members of Vastation, Genogeist, Death Fetishist and Oppressive Descent and they play a heavy crust/thrash metal with female vocals, which will please Sacrilege and After The Bombs fans, for example. Although this was released in 2017, this demo was one of the best records I heard in 2018 (fuck it! I don't care about the original release date, since the important thing is to spread what is good, whether in Portuguese or English languages). Very good!
Crust / Thrash Metal / Stenchcore - Portland - Oregon - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Last Breath vem do México e "Scum Sessions" é a sua primeira demo que foi lançada em 2018. Ao olhar pela capa, logo vemos o logotipo deles com a mesma fonte da Antisect e automaticamente ligamos a uma banda crust. Sim, a Last Breath toca stenchcore/crust bem influenciado pelas bandas inglesas deste gênero dos anos 80. Quatro faixas podronas cantadas em espanhol.
Last Breath comes from Mexico and "Scum Sessions" is their first demo that was released in 2018. When looking through the cover, it is soon noticed that the logo used by them has the same source as Antisect and you automatically realize that it is a crust band. Yes, Last Breath plays stenchcore/crust influenced by the English bands of the same 80s genre. Four raw tracks sung in Spanish.
Stenchcore / Crust - Monterrey - Mexico
Last Breath comes from Mexico and "Scum Sessions" is their first demo that was released in 2018. When looking through the cover, it is soon noticed that the logo used by them has the same source as Antisect and you automatically realize that it is a crust band. Yes, Last Breath plays stenchcore/crust influenced by the English bands of the same 80s genre. Four raw tracks sung in Spanish.
Stenchcore / Crust - Monterrey - Mexico
Em 2019 e 2010, eu escutei bastante o EP "Within The Darkness", um registro muito bom, onde a Anguish detonava um crustcore com guitarras thrash metal. Quase dez anos depois, a Anguish me surpreende de novo com o seu mais novo álbum "Under The Influence", lançado em 2018. A surpresa que o som agora é bem diferente do EP citado e sim, a Anguish está tocando uma mistura de heavy metal, rock sujo e metal punk. Da hora.
In 2019 and 2010, I listened a lot to the EP "Within The Darkness", a very good record, where Anguish detonated crustcore with thrash metal guitars. Almost ten years later, Anguish surprised me again with their newest album "Under The Influence", released in 2018. The surprise that the sound now is very different from the EP quoted and yes, Anguish is playing a mix of heavy metal, dirty rock and metal punk. Cool.
Heavy Metal / Metal Punk / Rock 'N Roll - Detroit - Michigan - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Metal Archives
In 2019 and 2010, I listened a lot to the EP "Within The Darkness", a very good record, where Anguish detonated crustcore with thrash metal guitars. Almost ten years later, Anguish surprised me again with their newest album "Under The Influence", released in 2018. The surprise that the sound now is very different from the EP quoted and yes, Anguish is playing a mix of heavy metal, dirty rock and metal punk. Cool.
Heavy Metal / Metal Punk / Rock 'N Roll - Detroit - Michigan - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Metal Archives
Regime é uma nova banda russa com membros da Fatum. Quatro faixas de puro hardcore/punk na veia da Discharge e Varukers. Bom!
Regime is a new Russian band with Fatum members. Four tacks of pure hardcore/punk influenced by Discharge and Varukers. Good!
Hardcore / Punk / D-Beat - Moscou / Moscow - Russia
Regime is a new Russian band with Fatum members. Four tacks of pure hardcore/punk influenced by Discharge and Varukers. Good!
Hardcore / Punk / D-Beat - Moscou / Moscow - Russia
sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2018
sexta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2018
quinta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2018
Esse split é total barulheira e isso é muito bom. A Instinct of Survival destrói as barreiras do silêncio nas suas nove faixas presentes neste registro, onde eles soam como o antigo Extreme Noise Terror, ou seja, rápido, sujo e cru. Do outro lado com três faixas, a Asocial Terror Fabrication segue o ritmo do caos e da podridão do stenchcore feito por eles com grande influência do velho Deviated Instinct. Massa!
This split is totally noisy and that's very good. Instinct of Survival destroys the barriers of silence in this nine track record, where they sound like the old Extreme Noise Terror, that is, fast, dirty and raw. On the other side with three tracks, Asocial Terror Fabrication follows the rhythm of the chaos and rot of the stenchcore performed by them with great influence from the old Deviated Instinct. Very Good!
Instinct of Survival - Crustcore - Hamburgo / Hamburg - Alemanha / Germany
Metal Archives
Asocial Terror Fabrication - Stenchcore / Crust - Tóquio / Tokyo - Japão / Japan
This split is totally noisy and that's very good. Instinct of Survival destroys the barriers of silence in this nine track record, where they sound like the old Extreme Noise Terror, that is, fast, dirty and raw. On the other side with three tracks, Asocial Terror Fabrication follows the rhythm of the chaos and rot of the stenchcore performed by them with great influence from the old Deviated Instinct. Very Good!
Instinct of Survival - Crustcore - Hamburgo / Hamburg - Alemanha / Germany
Metal Archives
Asocial Terror Fabrication - Stenchcore / Crust - Tóquio / Tokyo - Japão / Japan
Direto, primitivo, visceral e podre! Essas são as características da Cerebral Rot, uma nova banda americana de death metal. Esse EP composto por quatro faixas é simplesmente um dos melhores registros de 2018. Quinze minutos de podridão, fodidão!
Straight, primitive, visceral and rotten! These are the characteristics of Cerebral Rot, a new American death metal band. This four track EP is simply one of the best records of 2018. Fifteen minutes of rot death metal, awesome!
Death Metal - Seattle - Washington - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Metal Archives
Straight, primitive, visceral and rotten! These are the characteristics of Cerebral Rot, a new American death metal band. This four track EP is simply one of the best records of 2018. Fifteen minutes of rot death metal, awesome!
Death Metal - Seattle - Washington - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Metal Archives
A Churchburn é uma banda que tem como mentores Dave Suzuki (guitarra e vocal - ex-Vital Remains) e Ray McCaffrey (bateria - ex-Grief), além de Timmy St. Armour (guitarra) e Derek Moniz (baixo e vocal). O som da Churchburn é um doom metal/sludge muito bem feito que vai agradar em cheio quem curte Crowbar. "None Shall Live... The Hymns Of Misery" foi lançado em 2018 e contém sete faixas. Legal!
Churchburn is a band that has mentors Dave Suzuki (guitars and vocals - ex-Vital Remains) and Ray McCaffrey (drums - ex-Grief), plus Timmy St. Armor (guitars) and Derek Moniz (bass and vocals). The Churchburn sound is a very well done doom metal / sludge that will please everyone who likes Crowbar. "None Shall Live... The Hymns Of Misery" was released in 2018 and contains seven tracks. Cool!
Doom Metal / Sludge - Pawtucket - Rhode Island - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Metal Archives
Churchburn is a band that has mentors Dave Suzuki (guitars and vocals - ex-Vital Remains) and Ray McCaffrey (drums - ex-Grief), plus Timmy St. Armor (guitars) and Derek Moniz (bass and vocals). The Churchburn sound is a very well done doom metal / sludge that will please everyone who likes Crowbar. "None Shall Live... The Hymns Of Misery" was released in 2018 and contains seven tracks. Cool!
Doom Metal / Sludge - Pawtucket - Rhode Island - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Metal Archives
Antigos no cenário grindcore brasileiro, a Plague Rages tritura sete faixas rapidamente. Destaque para "Paralisia", "Quadrilha da Privatização", "Histeria" (Cólera cover) e "I See Lies" (Nasum cover). A Chikara é uma banda nova que toca hardcore/punk muito cru e se apresenta neste split com sete faixas também. Da hora!
Plague Rages is an old band from the Brazilian grindcore scene and they grind seven tracks quickly in this record. Highlight for the tracks "Paralisia", "Quadrilha da Privatização", "Histeria" (Cólera cover) and "I See Lies" (Nasum cover). Chikara is a new band that plays hardcore/punk very raw and presents itself in this split with seven tracks as well. Cool!
Plague Rages - Grindcore - São Paulo - São Paulo - Brasil
Metal Archives
Chikara - Hardcore / Punk - Suécia / Sweden / Bósnia-Herzegovina / Itália / Italy / Eslovênia / Slovenia
Plague Rages is an old band from the Brazilian grindcore scene and they grind seven tracks quickly in this record. Highlight for the tracks "Paralisia", "Quadrilha da Privatização", "Histeria" (Cólera cover) and "I See Lies" (Nasum cover). Chikara is a new band that plays hardcore/punk very raw and presents itself in this split with seven tracks as well. Cool!
Plague Rages - Grindcore - São Paulo - São Paulo - Brasil
Metal Archives
Chikara - Hardcore / Punk - Suécia / Sweden / Bósnia-Herzegovina / Itália / Italy / Eslovênia / Slovenia
quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2018
terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2018
Grandes e influentes bandas crust dos anos 80 voltaram a cena nestes últimos dez anos com novos registros como Hellbastard, Amebix, Antisect, Deviated Instinct e muitas pessoas (tanto em shows como na internet) sempre comentavam sobre uma possível volta da Axegrinder e tal. Pois então, depois de vinte e nove anos do lançamento da obra-prima "The Rise Of The Serpent Man", a Axegrinder nos apresenta o seu novo e segundo álbum "Satori", lançado em 2018. Obviamente, eles já tinham lançado a faixa "My Plague Queen" (split com a War//Plague) e a regravação de "Grind The Enemy", ambas de 2017, além de "Rain" (o clipe desse álbum). A partir disso, já tinha uma idéia de como poderia soar este álbum. Sendo assim, "Satori" é bem diferente do primeiro álbum lançado pela banda, na qual a sonoridade aplicada aqui é uma mistura bem dosada de industrial (Godflesh), metal, post punk e gótico, porém soando de forma monótona e sombria, em outras palavras, aquela atmosfera e aqueles riffs crust/thrash metal de outrora não estão presentes neste novo capítulo da Axegrinder. Independente disso, as minhas faixas favoritas são "Halo (Snakes For The Breeding)", "The Unthinkable", "Over" (ok, o clima desta faixa se aproxima do antigo Axegrinder) e "Too Far From Home" (com vocais femininos). Quanto ao título do álbum, a primeira vez que li sobre sobre satori foi através do livro "Caos - Terrorismo Poético e Outros Crimes Exemplares" escrito pelo anarquista ontológico Hakim Bey e que significa literalmente compreensão ou como descrito na nota de rodapé do livro: "No zen-budismo, o estado de iluminação espiritual; o alcance repentino deste estado.". Pelo fato de "Satori" ter sido o álbum mais aguardado pelos crusties neste ano de 2018, isso pode causar certo espanto, estanheza ou decepção em alguns ouvintes, porém eu digo sem nenhum problema que gostei desse álbum, mesmo soando diferente daquilo que eu cresci ouvindo da Axegrinder, ou seja, esse álbum merece ser ouvido e ter a sua devida compreensão, mesmo que isso leve algum tempo. Legal!
Great and influential crust bands from the 80's have returned to the scene in the last ten years with new records like Hellbastard, Amebix, Antisect, Deviated Instinct and many people (both in shows and on the internet) always talked to me about a possible return of Axegrinder. Then, twenty-nine years after the release of the masterpiece "The Rise Of The Serpent Man", Axegrinder presents its new and second album "Satori", released in 2018. Obviously, they had already released the track "My Plague Queen" (split with War//Plague) and the re-recording of "Grind The Enemy", both in 2017, in addition to "Rain" (the video clip of that album). From that, I already had an idea of how this album could sound. So, "Satori" is very different from the first album released by the band, in which the sound applied here is a mixture of industrial (Godflesh), metal, post punk and gothic, but sounding monotonous and somber, in other words, that atmosphere and those crust/thrash metal riffs from the past are not present in this new chapter of Axegrinder. Regardless, my favorite tracks are "Halo (Snakes For The Breeding)", "The Unthinkable", "Over" (ok, this track is vaguely similar to the old Axegrinder) and "Too Far From Home" (with female vocals). As for the title of the album, the first time I read about satori was through the book "Chaos" (this book is a compilation of texts and was translated exclusively for Brazil) written by the ontological anarchist Hakim Bey and it literally means comprehension as described in the footnote to the book: "In Zen Buddhism, the state of spiritual enlightenment, the sudden attainment of this state.". By the fact "Satori" was the most anticipated album by the crusties in this year of 2018, this may cause some amazement, strangeness or disappointment in some listeners, however I say without any problem that I like this album, even though it sounds different from what I grew up listening to from Axegrinder, that is, this album deserves to be heard and understood, even if it takes some time. Nice!
Crust / Industrial Metal / Post Punk / Gothic - Londres / London - Inglaterra / England
Metal Archives
Great and influential crust bands from the 80's have returned to the scene in the last ten years with new records like Hellbastard, Amebix, Antisect, Deviated Instinct and many people (both in shows and on the internet) always talked to me about a possible return of Axegrinder. Then, twenty-nine years after the release of the masterpiece "The Rise Of The Serpent Man", Axegrinder presents its new and second album "Satori", released in 2018. Obviously, they had already released the track "My Plague Queen" (split with War//Plague) and the re-recording of "Grind The Enemy", both in 2017, in addition to "Rain" (the video clip of that album). From that, I already had an idea of how this album could sound. So, "Satori" is very different from the first album released by the band, in which the sound applied here is a mixture of industrial (Godflesh), metal, post punk and gothic, but sounding monotonous and somber, in other words, that atmosphere and those crust/thrash metal riffs from the past are not present in this new chapter of Axegrinder. Regardless, my favorite tracks are "Halo (Snakes For The Breeding)", "The Unthinkable", "Over" (ok, this track is vaguely similar to the old Axegrinder) and "Too Far From Home" (with female vocals). As for the title of the album, the first time I read about satori was through the book "Chaos" (this book is a compilation of texts and was translated exclusively for Brazil) written by the ontological anarchist Hakim Bey and it literally means comprehension as described in the footnote to the book: "In Zen Buddhism, the state of spiritual enlightenment, the sudden attainment of this state.". By the fact "Satori" was the most anticipated album by the crusties in this year of 2018, this may cause some amazement, strangeness or disappointment in some listeners, however I say without any problem that I like this album, even though it sounds different from what I grew up listening to from Axegrinder, that is, this album deserves to be heard and understood, even if it takes some time. Nice!
Crust / Industrial Metal / Post Punk / Gothic - Londres / London - Inglaterra / England
Metal Archives
Depois de cinco anos do lançamento de "From Beer To Eternity", a Ministry lançou em 2018 o álbum "AmeriKKKant", um título bem agressivo e eu interpretei isso como uma mistura de sons e palavras como, KKK, cunt e Kant (filósofo alemão amado e odiado por muitos). Sei lá se era essa a ideia do Al Jourgensen, mas é bom pensar. A musicalidade de "AmeriKKKant" nos faz volta no tempo, mais precisamente nos anos 90, já que a Ministry está usando toca-discos (scratch), elementos e ritmos do "Filth Pig", álbum de 1996. Destaque para as faixas "Twilight Zone", "Victims Of A Clown", "We're Tired Of It", "Antifa" e "AmeriKKKa". O time de "AmericanKKant" é composto por Al Jourgensen (vocal), Roy Mayorga (bateria - Stone Sour, ex-Amebix, ex-Soulfly, ex-Nausea), Jason Christopher (baixo - Prong), Sinhue Quirin (guitarra), Tony Campos (baixo - Fear Factory, Asesino, ex-Soulfly, ex-Prong etc), John Bechdel (teclados - Ascension of the Watchers, ex-Prong), Cesar Soto (guitarra - ex-Pissing Razors), DJ Swamp (toca-discos), além das participações especiais de Michael Rozon e Burton C. Bell (vocal - Fear Factory, Ascension of the Watchers). Arte de capa por Mister Sam Shearon. Bom álbum.
Five years after the release of "From Beer To Eternity", In 2018 Ministry released the new album "AmeriKKKant", a very aggressive title and I interpreted it as a mixture of sounds and words like, KKK, cunt and Kant (German philosopher loved and hated by many). I don't know if this was really the idea that Al Jourgensen wanted to convey, but it's good to think about. The musicality of "AmeriKKKant" takes us back in time, more precisely to the 1990s, since Ministry is using turntables (scratch), elements and rhythms from the 1996 album "Filth Pig". Highlight for the tracks "Twilight Zone", "Victims Of A Clown", "We're Tired Of It", "Antifa" and "AmeriKKKa". "AmericanKKant" team consists of Al Jourgensen (vocals), Roy Mayorga (drums - Stone Sour, ex-Amebix, ex-Soulfly, ex-Nausea), Jason Christopher (bass - Prong), Sinhue Quirin (guitars), Tony Campos (bass - Fear Factory, Asesino, ex-Soulfly, ex-Prong etc), John Bechdel (keyboards - Ascension of the Watchers, ex-Prong), Cesar Soto (guitar - ex-Pissing Razors), DJ Swamp (turntables), as well as a special guest appearance by Michael Rozon and Burton C. Bell (vocals - Fear Factory, Ascension of the Watchers). Cover art by Mister Sam Shearon. Cool album.
Industrial - Chicago / El Paso - Illinois / Texas - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Metal Archives
Five years after the release of "From Beer To Eternity", In 2018 Ministry released the new album "AmeriKKKant", a very aggressive title and I interpreted it as a mixture of sounds and words like, KKK, cunt and Kant (German philosopher loved and hated by many). I don't know if this was really the idea that Al Jourgensen wanted to convey, but it's good to think about. The musicality of "AmeriKKKant" takes us back in time, more precisely to the 1990s, since Ministry is using turntables (scratch), elements and rhythms from the 1996 album "Filth Pig". Highlight for the tracks "Twilight Zone", "Victims Of A Clown", "We're Tired Of It", "Antifa" and "AmeriKKKa". "AmericanKKant" team consists of Al Jourgensen (vocals), Roy Mayorga (drums - Stone Sour, ex-Amebix, ex-Soulfly, ex-Nausea), Jason Christopher (bass - Prong), Sinhue Quirin (guitars), Tony Campos (bass - Fear Factory, Asesino, ex-Soulfly, ex-Prong etc), John Bechdel (keyboards - Ascension of the Watchers, ex-Prong), Cesar Soto (guitar - ex-Pissing Razors), DJ Swamp (turntables), as well as a special guest appearance by Michael Rozon and Burton C. Bell (vocals - Fear Factory, Ascension of the Watchers). Cover art by Mister Sam Shearon. Cool album.
Industrial - Chicago / El Paso - Illinois / Texas - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Metal Archives
segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2018
quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2018
Facada! Uma banda foda que vem ganhando mais força e experiência com o passar dos anos. Facada! Uma palavra que ganhou novos significados (desrespeito, insulto, subversão, blasfêmia, falsidade e entre outros adjetivos) nestes últimos tempos no Brasil, devido a uma "facada" desferida no então canditado de extrema-direita e novo presidente eleito da república brasileira (facada esta bem suspeita, no sentido de ser sido uma armação, já que o autor do golpe saiu vivo desta situação sem ao menos ter sofrido algum tipo de agressão dos apoiadores e da massa presente no local). Inclusive a página oficial da banda no Facebook foi deletada por conta disso, com a alegação de desrespeito e injúria ao suposto mito [sic] (a página foi recuperada). Diante desses fatos, "Quebrante" já estava disponível no Spotify e esse título caiu como uma luva, tanto para o bem quanto para o mau (bem, no sentido de nós podermos escutar com muito prazer essa grande obra e mau, no sentido que a situação do povo/minorias com este novo governo pode ser a pior possível, lembre-se: amanhã vai ser pior). A palavra quebrante é uma gíria usada no nordeste (também em Minas Gerais) que significa mau olhado e nada melhor que James explicando: "O nome do disco foi dado por causa de um tipo de maldição que minha mãe falava muito. "Quebrante" é também conhecido por "mau olhado", quando alguém está indisposto, triste, sem forças, ruim mesmo. É comum ouvir que a pessoa está com quebrante/mau olhado, que alguém lançou sobre ela energias negativas que foram capazes de anular a energia vital daquela pessoa.". Quanto a barulheira inserida neste álbum, podemos dizer que é a continuação do explosivo e brilhante "Nadir", já que tem bastante elementos/influências metálicas no grindcore feito pela Facada, o que tem deixado o som fodido pra caralho. É até difícil mencionar qual é a melhor faixa de "Quebrante", pois todas são absurdamente empolgantes, brutais, explícitas e realistas, porém as minhas favoritas são "Nós Somos O Veneno", "Apenas Mais Um Igual A Mim", "Tudo Me Faltará", "Quebrante", "A Maldição Da Rede" (sem dúvida uma das melhores letras desse álbum, pois trata-se de um homem que desapareceu por aproximadamente dois anos e foi encontrado morto no próprio quarto - neste caso, apenas o seu esqueleto na rede de balançar , bizarro!), "Sumir" (pique hardcore), "A Vitória Da Diva", "Há Honra (?)", "Eu Sei Como É Morrer" (pancadaria black metal com grindcore - essa faixa é o encontro de Monge, Impaled Nazarene, Marduk e Immortal antigo), "Putrescina" (contraste: bela intro seguida de uma destruição musical), "A Verdade Gera O Ódio", "Pervitin", "Feliz Ano Novo" (feliz 2019? - tema/ideia lírica bem influenciado por Ratos de Porão), "Ele Não Voltará" (blast!) e "Miss Distopia" (a faixa mais diferente do álbum, pois os vocais são falados e não gritados, berrados ou urrados). A masterização de "Quebrante" ficou por conta de William Blackmoon (Gadget). A capa que é muito bem feita e impactante foi um trabalho de Nelson Oliveira (esse desenho lembrou bastante as artes desenvolvidas para os shapes da Santa Cruz Skateboards), na qual tem duas versões: uma em LP lançada pela Läjä Records (a imagem desse review) e a outra lançada em CD pela Black Hole Production (a capa é um detalhe da arte original). Assim como os registros anteriores, a Facada fez mais um excelente álbum e termino dizendo que "Quebrante" é um dos melhores álbuns de 2018! Fodido demais! Facada: Ari (guitarra), James (vocal e baixo), D'Angelo (bateria) e Danyel (guitarra).
First, Facada means 'stab' in Portuguese. Facada! A great band that has gained more strength and experience over the years. Facada! A word in Portuguese that has gained new meanings (disrespect, insult, subversion, blasphemy, falsehood among other adjectives) in recent times in Brazil, due to a "stab" that hit the extreme right-wing candidate when he was elected as the new president of the Brazilian republic (this stab was very suspicious, it seemed very fake, since the person who committed this act left the scene alive without at least suffering some type of aggression from the supporters and others present in the place). Even the official page of the band on Facebook was deleted because of this, with the allegation of disrespect and insult to the supposed myth [sic] (the page was recovered). Faced with these facts, "Quebrante" was already available on Spotify and this title sounds perfect for this moment, both for good and for bad (well, in the sense that we can listen with pleasure to this work and bad, in the sense that the situation of the people/minorities with this new government in Brazil may be the worst possible, remember: amanhã vai ser pior [tomorrow will be worse - this is also a song from the album "Nadir"]). The word quebrante is slang used in the Brazilian northeast (also in Minas Gerais state) which means something bad and nothing better, James explained: "The name of the record was given because of a kind of curse that my mother was talking about. "Quebrante" is also known as "bad look" when someone is unwell, sad, lacking strength, even bad. It is common to hear that the person has a broken / evil eye, that someone has thrown negative energies upon it that have been able to nullify that person's vital energy.". As for the noise in this album, I can say that it is the continuation of the explosive and brilliant "Nadir", since it has many metal influences in the grindcore made by Facada, which has left their sound much more powerful. It is even difficult to mention which is the best "Quebrante" track, because are all absurdly exciting, brutal, explicit and realistic, but my favorites are "Nós Somos O Veneno", "Apenas Mais Um Igual A Mim", "Tudo Me Faltará", "Quebrante", "A Maldição Da Rede" (without a doubt one of the best lyrics on this album, because it's about the story of a man who disappeared for about two years and was found dead in his own room - in this case, just his skeleton was left laying in a hammock, bizarre!), "Sumir" (hardcore), "A Vitória Da Diva", "Há Honra (?)", "Eu Sei Como É Morrer" (black metal destruction with grindcore - this track is the meetings of Monge, Impaled Nazarene, Marduk and old Immortal), "Putrescina" (contrast: beautiful intro followed by musical destruction), "A Verdade Gera O Ódio", "Pervitin", "Feliz Ano Novo" (the lyrical theme is greatly influenced by Ratos de Porão), Ele Não Voltará" (blast!) and "Miss Distopia" (the most unique track of the album, because the vocals are spoken and not guttural). The mastering of "Quebrante" was made by William Blackmoon (Gadget). The cover art that is very well made and impressive was a work by Nelson Oliveira (this drawing reminded a lot of the arts developed for the decks of Santa Cruz Skateboards), in which there are two versions: one on LP released by Läjä Records (is the image posted in this review) and the other one released on CD by Black Hole Production (the cover is a detail of the original art). Like previous records, Facada has made another excellent album and I finish saying "Quebrante" is one of the best albums of 2018! Badass! Facada: Ari (guitars), James (vocals and bass), D'Angelo (drums) and Danyel (guitars).
Grindcore - Fortaleza - Ceará - Brasil
Metal Archives
Grindcore - Fortaleza - Ceará - Brasil
Metal Archives
terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2018
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