terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2015


Lá pelos 2005/2006 eu era fissurado por Disclose. Os "Raw Brutal Assault" eram o que dominava, pois tinha tudo ali. A chiadeira era e ainda é infernal. Esse DVD foi postado no ano passado, mas fiquei com certa preguiça de assistir devido ao grande número de compartilhamentos. Foda-se! Hoje eu resolvi assistir. Os shows que rolaram na costa oeste dos Estados Unidos foram animais pra caralho, onde o público e a banda destroem tudo, pura energia! Áudio e vídeo bons, sendo que rola algumas colisões com a galera. De boa. O tempo real desse vídeo é de aproximadamente 01:28:00 (o restante é repetição do mesmo). Nesta próxima 6ª feira irá fazer 8 anos que Kawakami morreu. 

In 2005/2006 I really liked Disclose (I still like the band). The compilations called "Raw Brutal Assault Vol. 1 & 2" were what dominated here because these records were whole discography. The noise was and still is infernal. This DVD was posted last year on YouTube but I was too lazy to watch this video due to the thousands of shares in my timeline on Facebook.  Fuck! Today I decided to watch it. The shows that took place on the west coast of the United States was excellent, where the audience and the band destroy everything, pure energy! Audio and video (both good) and the mosh pit was intense (some collisions between people). Normal, no problem. The real time video is approximately 01:28:00 (the remainder is repetition of the same). Friday will do eight years that Kawakami died.

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