segunda-feira, 16 de julho de 2018


"Smut Kingdom" foi o álbum perdido da Pungent Stench, já que o mesmo foi gravado entre 2006/2007 e nunca tinha sido liberado devido a alguns problemas. Em 2018, a Pungent Stench assina com a Dissonance Records e finalmente "Smut Kingdom" ganha vida, além de reatar o diálogo entre Alex "Rector Stench" Wank e Martin "Don Conchino" Schirenc (ok, eles chegaram a um acordo para esse lançamento). "Smut Kingdom" é um álbum composto por dez faixas que seguem o mesmo ritmo macabro, gore e doente executado pela Pungent Stench com tanta eficiência. Esse álbum tem as participações especiais de Kam Lee (Akatharta, The Grotesquery, ex-Massacre etc) na faixa "Devil's Work", LG Petrov (Entombed A.D., Firespawn, ex-Entombed etc) e Dr. Heathen Scum (Church of El Duce, Dr. Heathen Scum etc) na faixa "Suicide Bombshell". Resultado final: bom.

"Smut Kingdom" was the lost album of Pungent Stench, since it was recorded between 2006/2007 and had never been released due to some problems. In 2018, Pungent Stench signed with Dissonance Records and finally "Smut Kingdom" came to life, in addition to reopening the dialogue between Alex "Rector Stench" Wank and Martin "Don Conchino" Schirenc (ok, they reached an agreement for this release). "Smut Kingdom" is an album composed of ten tracks that follow the same macabre, gore and sick fuck rhythm as Pungent Stench performed with such efficiency. This album has the special guest appearances of Kam Lee (Akatharta, The Grotesquery, ex-Massacre etc) on the track "Devil's Work", L-G Petrov (Entombed AD, Firespawn, ex Entombed etc) and Dr. Heathen Scum (Church of El Duce, Dr. Heathen Scum etc) on the track "Suicide Bombshell". Final result: good.

Death Metal - Vienna - Austria
Metal Archives

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