Primeiro, essa é uma banda country/western music e um dos membros desta banda é Kelly Halliburton. Se você ainda não conhece esse cara, ele já tocou em bandas como, Defiance, Detestation, Masskontroll, Severed Head of State e etc. Sim, excelentes bandas! Jenny Don't & The Spurs é uma banda legal e eu gostei do que eu ouvi (as duas músicas são boas).
First, this is a band that plays country/western music and one of the members of this band is Kelly Halliburton. If you don't know this guy, he has played in bands like, Defiance, Detestation, Masskontroll, Severed Head of State and etc. Yes, great bands! Jenny Don't & The Spurs is a cool band and I like what I heard (the two songs are good).
Country / Western - Portland - Oregon - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
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