sexta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2013


Em 2011 a Lautstürmer veio ao Brasil pra uma tour louca na qual tocaram em alguns estados, porém eu perdi esses shows pela falta de grana naquele momento. Independente disso, os suecos lançaram agora em 2013 o álbum chamado "Bedtime For Humanity". E que disco!!! Cru do início ao fim, este registro é composto por doze pedradas na idéia, onde barulho do baixo do Christ of Fear é bem forte, perturbador e perceptível, sendo um dos grandes destaques. Outro destaque é a arte da capa, pois ficou muito bem feita e saiu do óbvio (ok, a tartaruga tem spikes satélites). "Bedtime For Humanity" é um álbum muito bom, pois assim que ele acaba tu vai querer ouvi-lo novamente. Escute e comprove!

In 2011 the Lautstürmer came to Brazil for a crazy tour in which they played in some brazilian states, however I missed these shows for lack of money at that time. Regardless of that, the Swedes have now released in 2013 the album called "Bedtime For Humanity". What a good album!!! Raw from beginning to end, this record is composed of twelve tracks that are like stones in the head, where noise, made by the bass of the Christ of Fear, is very strong, disturbing and perceptible, being one of the great highlights. Another highlight is the cover art, because it was very well made and stands out from the norm (ok, the turtle has liberty spikes). "Bedtime For Humanity" is a really good album, because as soon as it's over, you will want to hear it again. Listen and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Crustcore / Raw Punk / D-Beat 'N Roll - Malmö - Suécia / Sweden

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