quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2018
terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2018
segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2018
domingo, 25 de novembro de 2018
Conheci a Dead of Night no final do primeiro semestre deste ano de 2018 e gostei do som deles. Esse registro contém apenas duas faixas que podem ser classificadas como total Amebix. A capa é uma obra do artista alemão Otto Greiner. Da hora!
I first heard of Dead of Night at the end of the first half of this year of 2018 and I like their sound. This record contains only two tracks that can be classified as total Amebix. The cover is a work of the German artist Otto Greiner. So cool!
Crust - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
I first heard of Dead of Night at the end of the first half of this year of 2018 and I like their sound. This record contains only two tracks that can be classified as total Amebix. The cover is a work of the German artist Otto Greiner. So cool!
Crust - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Vägra é uma nova banda americana e eles tocam hardcore/punk bastante influenciado por Anti Cimex e pela cena sueca dos anos 80. Inclusive o nome da banda é em sueco e significa recusar (título em inglês do segundo registro). "Last Breath" é o terceiro registro deles e contém seis faixas. Massa!
Vägra is a new American band and they play hardcore/punk quite influenced by Anti Cimex and the Swedish scene of the 80s. Even the name of the band is in Swedish and means to refuse (this is the title of the second record). "Last Breath" is the third record of theirs and contains six tracks. Good!
Hardcore / Raw Punk - Gainesville - Florida - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Vägra is a new American band and they play hardcore/punk quite influenced by Anti Cimex and the Swedish scene of the 80s. Even the name of the band is in Swedish and means to refuse (this is the title of the second record). "Last Breath" is the third record of theirs and contains six tracks. Good!
Hardcore / Raw Punk - Gainesville - Florida - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Galinóia foi o nome dado a uma galinha que comia crack e que foi morta por Zé Galinha, um usuário de crack. Esse vídeo sensacional e hilário se tornou viral anos atrás no Youtube (clique aqui), na qual serviu de base para a criação desse projeto de um cara só. "Entre Penas e Pedras" é o primeiro registro da Galinóia, onde o barullho feito por C.N.S é uma mistura crua de hardcore, punk, grindcore e death metal. Os títulos dos sons estão relacionados com o nome do projeto, ou seja, crack, pedras, penas e galinhas. A arte de capa é uma obra feita por Goya Francisco.
Galinóia was the name given to a chicken that ate crack rock and that was killed by Zé Galinha, a crackhead. This sensational and hilarious video became viral years ago on Youtube in Brazil (this video does not have subtitles in English, but you can check it by clicking here) and this was the inspiration for the creation of this one-man project. "Entre Penas e Pedras" is the first record from Galinóia, where the noise made by C.N.S is a raw mix of hardcore, punk, grindcore and death metal. The sound titles are related to the name of the project, ie, crack rocks, feathers and chickens. Cover art by Goya Francisco.
Hardcore / Punk / Grindcore / Death Metal - Brasília - Distrito Federal - Brasil
Galinóia was the name given to a chicken that ate crack rock and that was killed by Zé Galinha, a crackhead. This sensational and hilarious video became viral years ago on Youtube in Brazil (this video does not have subtitles in English, but you can check it by clicking here) and this was the inspiration for the creation of this one-man project. "Entre Penas e Pedras" is the first record from Galinóia, where the noise made by C.N.S is a raw mix of hardcore, punk, grindcore and death metal. The sound titles are related to the name of the project, ie, crack rocks, feathers and chickens. Cover art by Goya Francisco.
Hardcore / Punk / Grindcore / Death Metal - Brasília - Distrito Federal - Brasil
sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2018
quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2018
quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2018
terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2018
"Scourge of the Enthroned"!!! De cara já digo que esse álbum é melhor que o anterior "Forged in Fury" (isso não quer dizer que é ruim). Podemos dizer que "Scourge of the Enthroned" é um álbum influenciado pelas próprias raízes da Krisiun, como por exemplo um dos melhores álbuns lançados por eles, o destruidor e magnífico "Conquerors of Armageddon" aliado a técnica e a brutalidade desenvolvida durante todos esses anos (obviamente que tem espaço para o peso e cadência que são características dos álbuns anteriores). "Scourge of the Enthroned" tem oito hinos de guerra que são total death metal, onde a brutalidade, raiva, velocidade, peso e muita destruição são os elementos chaves dessa grande obra. Além disso, é de suma importância resaltar a postura dos membros da Krisiun nas redes sociais nestes últimos meses em relação a ascensão do fascismo, conservadorismo e militância cristã pentecostal, mostrando para o seu público que a Krisiun é contrária a essas ideologias capengas, mentirosas e autoritárias. A arte de capa é mais um sensacional trabalho de Eliran Kantor. Conclusão, "Scourge of the Enthroned" é um álbum feito pra quem não abaixa a cabeça ou dobra os joelhos diante de charlatões, majestades, presidentes ou deus, sendo um dos melhores registros de 2018 e da carreira da Krisiun. Foda! Krisun: Alex Camargo (baixo e vocal), Max Kolesne (bateria) e Moyses Kolesne (guitarra).
"Scourge of the Enthroned"!!! First, I will say that this album is better than the previous "Forged in Fury" (that's not to say that it's bad). I can say that "Scourge of the Enthroned" is an album influenced by Krisiun's own roots, such as one of the best albums released by them, the destructive and magnificent "Conquerors of Armageddon" allied to the technique and brutality developed during all those years (obviously it has space for the heavy and cadence that are characteristic of the previous albums). "Scourge of the Enthroned" has eight war hymns that are total death metal, where brutality, rage, speed, heavy destruction are the key elements of this great work. In addition, it is of utmost importance to highlight the position of the Krisiun members in social media in recent months in relation to the rise of fascism, conservatism and Pentecostal Christian militancy in Brazil, showing to their audience that Krisiun is against these stupid liars and authoritarian ideologies. The cover art is another amazing work by Eliran Kantor. In conclusion, "Scourge of the Enthroned" is an album made for those who do not bow their heads or kneel before charlatans, majesties, presidents or god, being one of the best records of 2018 and the career of Krisiun. Badass! Krisiun: Alex Camargo (bass and vocals), Max Kolesne (drums) and Moyses Kolesne (guitars).
Death Metal - Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
Metal Archives
"Scourge of the Enthroned"!!! First, I will say that this album is better than the previous "Forged in Fury" (that's not to say that it's bad). I can say that "Scourge of the Enthroned" is an album influenced by Krisiun's own roots, such as one of the best albums released by them, the destructive and magnificent "Conquerors of Armageddon" allied to the technique and brutality developed during all those years (obviously it has space for the heavy and cadence that are characteristic of the previous albums). "Scourge of the Enthroned" has eight war hymns that are total death metal, where brutality, rage, speed, heavy destruction are the key elements of this great work. In addition, it is of utmost importance to highlight the position of the Krisiun members in social media in recent months in relation to the rise of fascism, conservatism and Pentecostal Christian militancy in Brazil, showing to their audience that Krisiun is against these stupid liars and authoritarian ideologies. The cover art is another amazing work by Eliran Kantor. In conclusion, "Scourge of the Enthroned" is an album made for those who do not bow their heads or kneel before charlatans, majesties, presidents or god, being one of the best records of 2018 and the career of Krisiun. Badass! Krisiun: Alex Camargo (bass and vocals), Max Kolesne (drums) and Moyses Kolesne (guitars).
Death Metal - Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
Metal Archives
domingo, 18 de novembro de 2018
sábado, 17 de novembro de 2018
sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2018
quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2018
segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2018
domingo, 11 de novembro de 2018
A Death e Chuck Schuldiner deixaram o seu legado no death metal e na música pesada em geral, influenciando milhares de pessoas e bandas mundo a fora. E um dos desses exemplos é a Gruesome, ótima banda americana que é explicitamente uma banda homenagem ao legado da Death. A banda é formada por Matt Harvey (vocal e guitarra - Exhumed, Dekapitator e Expulsion), Robin Mazen (baixo - Derkéta e Castrator), Gus Rios (bateria - Create A Kill, Evil Amidst e ex-Malevolent Creation) e Daniel Gonzalez (guitarra - Create A Kill e Possessed), ou seja, são músicos experientes e conhecedores da matéria death metal. "Twisted Prayers" é o segundo álbum da Gruesome e está excelente, sendo uma espécie de "Spiritual Healing" parte dois (terceiro álbum da Death), tanto musicalmente quanto esteticamente (neste caso a capa fala por si só) e essa semelhança ou influência é tanta que James Murphy (ele foi o guitarrista em "Spiritual Healing") participa com solos de guitarra nas faixas "Crusade of Brutality" e "At Death's Door" e Ed Repka foi o criador da capa (ele também foi o autor da capa de "Spiritual Healing"). Em suma, "Twisted Prayers" é a perfeita adoração ao Death, além de ser um dos melhores álbuns lançados em 2018. Da hora demais!
Death and Chuck Schuldiner have left their legacy in death metal and heavy music in general, influencing thousands of people and bands around the world. And one of those examples is Gruesome, a great American band that is explicitly a band homage to the legacy of Death. The band is formed by Matt Harvey (vocals and guitars - Exhumed, Dekapitator and Expulsion), Robin Mazen (bass - Derkéta and Castrator), Gus Rios (drums - Create A Kill, Evil Amidst and ex Malevolent Creation) and Daniel Gonzalez (guitars - Create A Kill and Possessed), that is, they are experienced and knowledgeable musicians on the matter of death metal. "Twisted Prayers" is Gruesome's second album and is excellent, as it is a sort of "Spiritual Healing" part two (Death third album), both musically and aesthetically (in this case the cover art speaks for itself) is influenced by Death so much that James Murphy (he was the guitarist in "Spiritual Healing") participates with guitar solos on the tracks "Crusade of Brutality" and "At Death's Door" and Ed Repka was the creator of the cover art (he was also the author of "Spiritual Healing" cover art). In short, "Twisted Prayers" is the perfect worship of Death, in addition to being one of the best albums released in 2018. Awesome!
Death Metal - Florida / California - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Metal Archives
Death and Chuck Schuldiner have left their legacy in death metal and heavy music in general, influencing thousands of people and bands around the world. And one of those examples is Gruesome, a great American band that is explicitly a band homage to the legacy of Death. The band is formed by Matt Harvey (vocals and guitars - Exhumed, Dekapitator and Expulsion), Robin Mazen (bass - Derkéta and Castrator), Gus Rios (drums - Create A Kill, Evil Amidst and ex Malevolent Creation) and Daniel Gonzalez (guitars - Create A Kill and Possessed), that is, they are experienced and knowledgeable musicians on the matter of death metal. "Twisted Prayers" is Gruesome's second album and is excellent, as it is a sort of "Spiritual Healing" part two (Death third album), both musically and aesthetically (in this case the cover art speaks for itself) is influenced by Death so much that James Murphy (he was the guitarist in "Spiritual Healing") participates with guitar solos on the tracks "Crusade of Brutality" and "At Death's Door" and Ed Repka was the creator of the cover art (he was also the author of "Spiritual Healing" cover art). In short, "Twisted Prayers" is the perfect worship of Death, in addition to being one of the best albums released in 2018. Awesome!
Death Metal - Florida / California - E.U.A. / U.S.A.
Metal Archives
sábado, 10 de novembro de 2018
Escutei bastante em 2010 o primeiro álbum "Under Iskalla Fanor" e achava bem legal. Em 2018, a Fredag Den 13:e lançou "Dystopian Utsikt" e segue um pouco mais metalizado que o primeiro registro. Músicas empolgantes aliando velocidade, melodia e agressividade que vai agradar provavelmente amantes de Martyrdöd, Wolfbrigade e crust metal em geral. Massa!
I listened a lot in 2010 to the first album "Under Iskalla Fanor" and I thought it was really cool. In 2018, the Fredag Den 13:e released "Dystopian Utsikt" and is a little more metalized than the first record. Exciting songs combining speed, melody and aggressiveness that will appeal to lovers of Martyrdöd, Wolfbrigade and crust metal in general. Good!
Crust Metal / Punk - Gotemburgo / Gothenburg - Suécia / Sweden
I listened a lot in 2010 to the first album "Under Iskalla Fanor" and I thought it was really cool. In 2018, the Fredag Den 13:e released "Dystopian Utsikt" and is a little more metalized than the first record. Exciting songs combining speed, melody and aggressiveness that will appeal to lovers of Martyrdöd, Wolfbrigade and crust metal in general. Good!
Crust Metal / Punk - Gotemburgo / Gothenburg - Suécia / Sweden
sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2018
quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2018
A Septic Tank foi formada em 1994 como um projeto, porém só em 2013 a banda lançou o seu primeiro registro auto-intitulado. E em 2018, a Septic Tank lançou o seu primeiro full-length composto por dezoito faixas. Bom, o som deles é um hardcore/punk bem cru misturado com metal punk e você vai perceber influências de Discharge, Hellhammer/Celtic Frost e Motörhead, por exemplo. As minhas faixas favoritas são "Social Media Whore" (a melhor), "Divide and Conk Out", "Fucked", "Treasurers of Disease", "Death Vase", "Danger Signs" (essa faixa lembra em certos momentos Iggy Pop and The Stooges), "Walking Asylum", "Living Death" e "Rotten Empire". Sem dúvidas, "Rotting Civilisation" é um grande álbum e mostra que Lee Dorian fez mais uma vez um ótima banda voltado as suas raízes punk. Muito bom! Septic Tank: Lee Dorian (vocal - With The Dead, ex-Cathedral, ex-Napalm Death), Scott Carlson (baixo - Repulsion, ex-Cathedral), Gaz Jennings (guitarra - Death Penalty, ex-Acid Reign, ex-Cathedral) e Jaime Gomez Arellano (bateria - At Dusk, Blutvial).
Septic Tank was formed in 1994 as a project, but only in 2013 did the band release its first self-titled record. In 2018, Septic Tank released its first full-length composed of eighteen tracks. Well, their sound is raw hardcore/punk mixed with metal punk and you will notice influences from Discharge, Hellhammer/Celtic Frost and Motörhead, for example. My favorite tracks are "Social Media Whore" (the best track), "Divide and Conk Out", "Fucked", "Treasures of Disease", "Death Vase", "Danger Signs" (this track recalls Iggy Pop and The Stooges at certain times), "Walking Asylum", "Living Death" and "Rotten Empire". Undoubtedly, "Rotting Civilisation" is a great album and shows that Lee Dorian has once again made a great band focused on their punk roots. Very good! Septic Tank: Lee Dorian (vocals - With The Dead, ex-Cathedral, ex-Napalm Death), Scott Carlson (bass - Repulsion, ex-Cathedral), Gaz Jennings (guitars - Death Penalty, ex-Cathedral) and Jaime Gomez Arellano (drums - At Dusk, Blutval).
Hardcore / Punk / Metal Punk - Londres / London - Inglaterra / England
Metal Archives
Septic Tank was formed in 1994 as a project, but only in 2013 did the band release its first self-titled record. In 2018, Septic Tank released its first full-length composed of eighteen tracks. Well, their sound is raw hardcore/punk mixed with metal punk and you will notice influences from Discharge, Hellhammer/Celtic Frost and Motörhead, for example. My favorite tracks are "Social Media Whore" (the best track), "Divide and Conk Out", "Fucked", "Treasures of Disease", "Death Vase", "Danger Signs" (this track recalls Iggy Pop and The Stooges at certain times), "Walking Asylum", "Living Death" and "Rotten Empire". Undoubtedly, "Rotting Civilisation" is a great album and shows that Lee Dorian has once again made a great band focused on their punk roots. Very good! Septic Tank: Lee Dorian (vocals - With The Dead, ex-Cathedral, ex-Napalm Death), Scott Carlson (bass - Repulsion, ex-Cathedral), Gaz Jennings (guitars - Death Penalty, ex-Cathedral) and Jaime Gomez Arellano (drums - At Dusk, Blutval).
Hardcore / Punk / Metal Punk - Londres / London - Inglaterra / England
Metal Archives
terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2018
sábado, 3 de novembro de 2018
Desperate Times é uma nova banda canadense e essa é sua primeira demo. Seis faixas cruas influenciadas por bandas anarco/peace punks como Iconoclast, Diatribe, D.I.R.T., Rudimentary Peny e Antischism. Da hora!
Desperate Times is a new Canandian band and this is their first demo. Six raw tracks influenced by anarcho/peace punk bands like Iconoclast, Diatribe, D.I.R.T., Rudimentary Peni and Antischism. Good!
Anarcho Peace Crust Punk - Halifax - Nova Scotia - Canada
Desperate Times is a new Canandian band and this is their first demo. Six raw tracks influenced by anarcho/peace punk bands like Iconoclast, Diatribe, D.I.R.T., Rudimentary Peni and Antischism. Good!
Anarcho Peace Crust Punk - Halifax - Nova Scotia - Canada
sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2018
Essa compilação reúne bandas do cenário de Malmö. Dezesseis faixas, dezesseis bandas. Bandas: A4, Anhedoni, Arsle, Crudiax, Crutches, Genöme, Glorious?, Korp, Korsfäst, Lautsturmer, Profoss, Remiso, Snor, Ursut, Voidfiller e Zyfilis. Capa por Stiv of War. Muito bom!
This compilation brings together bands from the Malmö scene. Sixteen tracks, sixteen bands. Bandas: A4, Anhedoni, Arsle, Crudiax, Crutches, Genöme, Glorious?, Korp, Korsfäst, Lautsturmer, Profoss, Remiso, Snor, Ursut, Voidfiller and Zyfilis. Cover art by Stiv of War. Very good!
This compilation brings together bands from the Malmö scene. Sixteen tracks, sixteen bands. Bandas: A4, Anhedoni, Arsle, Crudiax, Crutches, Genöme, Glorious?, Korp, Korsfäst, Lautsturmer, Profoss, Remiso, Snor, Ursut, Voidfiller and Zyfilis. Cover art by Stiv of War. Very good!
quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2018
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